Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Catching up...(and some funny ones)

Do you feel as though each of my posts is a "catch up" post? I do.

We are back in Oman, trying to settle back in (fairly successfully), and it's been hard to find time to blog.  (My first book group is less than a week away and I just started the book yesterday, so you can see how blogging would fall to the side.)

As part of my attempt to settle back in, I'm also preparing to move which involves sorting through an astonishing amount of stuff (and I'm fairly lean to begin with).   Anyway, I happened across Lulu's birthday card to Eli this morning and wanted to memorialize what she wrote to him:

"Dear Daddy,
Happy Birthday.  I wish it was my birthday.
Love, Lizzie"

It makes me laugh when I think of it or read it.  Kids are just so astonishingly self-centered aren't they?

I also want to remember two notes that Tommy wrote to me and to my Dad this summer.  The kids formed a club in a tree in my parents' yard and denied entry to me.

Here is one note:

"Dear Mom,
We would love to let you into our club but
1. You do not know our password
2. You do not want to carry any melee or ranged weapon
The Mandalorian Club, Fett and Wren"

Then to Dad:

"Dear Grandpa
We need another blaster.  If you make one, we will allow you into our club.
The Mandalorian Club"

See how it is?  More, soon.