Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Camping and the permanent pit in my stomach

Over the weekend, we went camping with some of our favorite friends in Muscat.  These adorable photos of Lizzie and her best friend are taken on the edge of our campsite.  When we set up, it seemed impossible that the water would reach us and for the first night and day, that was the case.  However, we all woke up around midnight the second night to find water at the doors of our tents.  Eeek.  It was very windy (apparently there had been a weather warning) and we think that in combination with the high tide caused the disaster.  Luckily, we all got out of our tents and managed to spend the entire night in our cars.  (We all napped the following day, I think.)   It sure was beautiful.  (I have many more photos but no patience to sort through them and format them.  I'm sorry.)

So since around January 20, I've been walking around feeling uneasy - like something terrible has happened but I've forgotten it for a moment - and can you guess what it is?  I feel like I was punched and I keep trying to get up and dust myself off, and then I get punched again.  Eli has sweetly asked me to stop reading the news in the morning when I wake up and to wait until he and the kids are gone because it gets me SO WORKED UP.  I listen to podcasts all day long and my very favorite thing is that all the reporters on the NPR Politics podcast are so steady.  Even the day after the election, they were their normal selves, ready to delve into figuring out how Trump won.  (What in the hell America.)  They are so amazing at their jobs. But now I listen to Pod Save America and those guys all freak me out. (And also, the Politics podcast fell down a bit when discussing Trump undermining the Judicial branch with his "so called judge" tweet. But I don't blame them; I feel similarly shocked and outraged.)

One of my best friends here is Iranian.  Her husband and kids are Americans.  Guess who can't even apply for a visa to the US?  Trust me when I tell you that she is not a person we should seek to keep out of our country; we should be so grateful to have her.

Have you read this article?  What. The. Hell.  There is something wrong with this guy.

Over and out.  If you need me, I'll be listening to podcasts.  (Does anyone else laugh and then cry when they watch Trevor Noah?)

PS:  Eli took all these photos.  Obviously.