Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's 9am...

and Tommy is standing at the front door wailing for his daddy. Why? Because Tommy wants to use his hammer on the oven buttons. When I told him no, he suggested that I "go away." His next creative solution is that I should go to work and he'll stay with Daddy. Then, he embarked on an apartment-wide search for Eli -- "Daddy? Daddy? Where are you? Oh, no...He's gone." (I will ask Eli if he allows Tommy to play with the oven buttons but am not expecting that he does.)

UPDATE: We went to the Kensington Gardens playground and I made a friend. She is from LA but has been in London for a long time. The best news is that she has a nanny three days per week who is looking for work two days per week!

On the way home from the park, we stopped at Waitrose which was a disaster. First, Tommy threw up because he'd eaten a bit of the wrapper from his granola bar and it was stuck in his throat. Then, as I was checking out, I looked over and he had tipped the buggy over. Lizzie was buckled in and neither were hurt, but jesus. So I had a stern talk with Tommy about jumping on the board. As we left and were crossing the street, Tommy tripped, so I sort of dragged him along, and while doing so stepped on his hand. YIKES.

But it hasn't been all bad today - here are pictures from getting dressed:


  1. Oh my gosh, what great pictures of the kids!!! Happy 4 month birthday to Lizzie; what a cutie and such big, blue eyes!


  2. Ditto on the pictures and I feel your pain. Hang in there kiddo.

  3. Laura, this picture is adorable! Love seeing the blog, hope your move to London is smooth and you're adjusting well, it seems so! Love, Libby
