Sunday, April 11, 2010


Update: Here are pictures from Eli's camera.

(This is Tommy taking pictures of very nice strangers.)

Tommy had a lovely day. He woke up a bit before seven and tore through his gifts. (We will post a movie at He received a lego digger from Lizzie, a camera and a scooter from Eli and me, pajamas from Grandma Sid and Grandpa Ollie (he discovered their other gift during packing and has been happily using his new plate and cutlery since), and a truck from Uncle Brett and Auntie Chinka. He loved all the presents, though we may be a bit early on the camera. Shockingly, the digger was the big hit.

Then, we went to breakfast where he had pancakes and sausage (he loves sausage). He was a very good boy. Afterward, we all walked to Battersea Park which has a children's zoo. See Tommy and Eli looking at the meerkats? Tommy loved it there -- less for the animals and more for the playground. There is an old fire engine set up for the kids to play. Depending on where we live, we may buy memberships to this zoo because it's so fun.

When we were done at the playground/zoo, we came home and took a nap. When he woke up, we had pizza and cupcakes (pink ones, with three red candles in Tommy's) and then Lizzie went to bed and Tommy stayed up with us and watched Monsters, Inc. Honestly, I'm not sure what we were thinking when we chose that movie as he sat with his hands over his ears for about 45 minutes, but when he woke up this morning he asked to watch it...

We just can't believe he's three.

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