Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Today has been frustrating.

We woke up, hustled out of the house by 9:15 to view a house at 10, and I missed the call at 9:30, informing me the house had been let and so the viewing was canceled. We played at a fun playground, though. I saw two little kids fighting over a toy and had no idea what to do as their mothers were not paying attention.

Tommy had three poopy diapers by 1pm. ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME? We've told him he gets a new tool everytime he poops in the potty, but that's obviously not doing the trick. He did use the potty once without any prompting from me. He also showed me that he can put his own pants on.

I think Lizzie is teething as she has been super fussy and insists on being held. And not by Tommy, by me.

I've been unnecessarily and unforgiveably short with Tommy but he really doesn't listen to me and I'm frustrated. This morning after his third bowl of granola, I said he couldn't have anymore and went to put Lizzie to sleep. When I came back, the granola and milk were out, and he was just unscrewing the lid to a full half-gallon of milk...

But it's not all bad. Tommy and I have been talking a lot today about his blood and where it is. No idea how he started thinking about this, but every once in a while, he looks at me and says "My blood is in my body. In my arm." And then I say something about how it's under his skin and he looks puzzled.

In my stay-at-home-mom experiment, I would have to give myself a failing grade. Perhaps we could say there's room for improvement. Sigh.

In the bath tonight Tommy said of Lizzie, "I don't want her to be a baby, I want her to be a boy."

I'm back from the gym and feeling better. I think once I get Lizzie sleep trained and Tommy starts preschool, things will be fine. (Oh, and once I start working again. That should help, too.)

1 comment:

  1. I will love reading your blog, Laura. And the pics are just fine! This is a great idea. Fingers crossed that you find a good place soon. Our house goes on the market tomorrow (4-8). Wish us luck!
