Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chicken Pox & Potty Training

So. On Saturday night I noticed three bumps on Tommy, in his diaper area, and thought that he was probably reacting to some toxin in his disposable diapers. Then, Sunday evening, he had more of them (still confined to his diaper area). Then last night when I undressed him for bath, he had more bumps, and all over. This morning I took him to the pediatrician, who confirmed that he has chicken pox (and that she has seen three other children this morning with chicken pox). Since he was vaccinated (because he had to be in order to do anything in DC, which is where his back up daycare was), this case ought to be mild. Which means I am stuck indoors with a energetic little boy who has red bumps on him but no other symptoms.

Tommy has been putting his pee in the potty all day long, with no accidents because Grandma Nancy drags him in there every 15 minutes. They listen to music and sing songs and discuss things. Perhaps we will have a silver lining to the chicken pox.

Lizzie is going to the doctor on Thursday. No vaccinations, in case she's brewing some chicken pox. The incubation period is two weeks.

So. I think my readers can all be thankful that they do not have my life right now. Sigh.

But, again, God Bless Grandma Nancy.

1 comment:

  1. I believe Tommy's Uncle Andy and Uncle Brett had chciken pox at 18 months, very mild cases. And I don't recall when Eli had them but his, too, was a mild case. I'll wish the very best for you. Somehow I think the younger the child, the better. I didn't realize that a vaccination doesn't prevent. But congrats on the potty work. And thanks Grandma Nancy!

    Lexy and Millie are here; it's so nice!
