Sunday, May 02, 2010


I hope you are all having lovely weekends. We have a Bank Holiday tomorrow, so Eli gets to be with his lovely family for three days in a row and Tommy just has two days of preschool.

Yesterday we woke up and Eli and I both ran early so that we could leave the house around ten. We walked to Baker and Spice and ate more calories than we had just burned running (totally worth it), and had good coffee. Then we went to Harrods to buy DVDs for Tommy because the weather forecast was for rain and cold weather. We also bought Lizzie a toy for the buggy because she plays now that she can grab so well. During naps, I got a pedicure and went to the big grocery store where I purchased yet another Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc for £5.

Today when we woke up it was pouring, so we went running early again and then we went to the Science Museum. It has a great play area for 3-6s. Tommy and Eli had a great time and played for at least an hour in there until Tommy wouldn't share the drum toy and had a fit and had to leave. It was a zoo in there, but it was worth it. When we got home, we put Tommy down for a nap he didn't take, and when we allowed him to get up, we played in the garden with Angus. They had a great time chasing a ball and screaming and wrestling. As Julie says, they're "a bit full on." I have heard other mums here use this expression, and I like it quite a lot. Lizzie has been rather fussy this weekend but I am still thinking she may be teething because she chomps down on my fingers whenever possible.

One more thing -- my phone was ruined on Friday evening when Tommy's water tipped onto it. So don't call me. Just email me. And while we're on that topic, I want to remind you all that while you know most things about what's going on here, I don't know anything about what's going on with you unless you email me and tell me. So please email me. It doesn't have to be often, just every once in a while to let me know how you're doing. Merci!

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