Monday, June 14, 2010

Lizzie is crying...

and I'm on break. Eli got home about 15 minutes ago and he's started dinner and now is presumably bouncing our baby girl so that she will sleep. We have got some sleeping difficulties, my friends, but we have only 10 days until we move into our new house and begin to address them. She has no idea what's coming but after we unlearn all her bad habits, she will be well rested and an even more amazing baby than she is now. It is her six month birthday today! She is doing very well sitting up but does tip more often than not.

While I'm on my break, I'm eating Doritos. Most of you know that I NEVER EAT Doritos, but the USA - England game was on Saturday night and our friends Simon and Vivian came over to watch it. They must know that I never eat Doritos because they brought two bags, along with an apple pie, a big container of custard (must be a British thing), two pans of brownies, a thing of vanilla ice cream and more alcohol than I will drink in the remainder of this calendar year. We provided burgers, a big salad and sweet potato fries.

Oh, was it a big party, you ask? Why, no. Just the four of us. Which is why I'm eating the goddamn Doritos now.

We had a very nice weekend. We spent Saturday morning with Hanh and Brooks, then we had Simon and Vivian over. On Sunday, we met new friends in Holland Park. We met them through Jess and Sam (the guy is Sam's cousin, I think, but maybe second cousin?). It was nice.
And we did lots of jobs. I am fixated on getting all of the jobs we can do now DONE before we move into the new house and all I want to do is unpack and get settled. So I also worked on Sunday and finished a big chunk of my project -- but don't worry, I have another even bigger project already. Anyway.

We spent the morning in Kensington Gardens. For about 20 minutes, we went to a playground, but mostly we kicked the "football" around and found sticks and looked at the little trucks and lawnmowers. We also fed the swans and ducks (and pigeons, yuck), but we got out of there pretty quickly after Tommy announced his intention to touch a swan. I told him he couldn't, but with him you never know and the best course of action is to remove the temptation. Anyway, at the playground we met an American mom from Houston who was adamant that I need to get a car, and now. I think it's telling that she's from Houston, and really wanted to know if her husband works in finance and if she has the BMW SUV or the Porsche one (popular here), but I bit my tongue. A post on Americans in London is forthcoming.

Today during preschool, I purchased all of Tommy's bedding. He has an adorable duvet cover that he picked out. It has planes on it. My impulse buy of the day were some plane stickers that we can put on the wall to decorate his room. They match the duvet cover. And are about as much effort as I want to spend on a room in a rented house. He also got a pillow, a comforter, a mattress cover and a couple of plain white sheets. Tommy's Grandma Sid has already bought him some construction sheets, so I'm going to have Grandma Nancy make the topsheet from that set into the top of a duvet cover. Then, he'll have a couple of sets of bedding and when he vomits in his bed, I will be prepared. You know he will. Kids vomit in bed. They just do.

I wonder if Hanh's feelings will be hurt that she was mentioned in passing and I spent a whole paragraph on Tommy's bedding. Sorry, Hanh. It was so so so nice to see you and especially to go to Baker and Spice with you.

Uncle Brett arrives tomorrow! Tommy is excited. (Today he told me he wants to go back to Arlington and then pointed at a little girl and said, "see, there's Layla!" She's one of his friends from Arlington.)

Finally, I will tell you that Tommy will be going to preschool on Thursday mornings until the end of the term. This is so he can learn all the songs in the summer show. (Eli wants to buy a camcorder before the summer show.) I told Miss Tracy that if she sings them with him a couple of times, he'll be good to go (it's no secret that I believe Tommy is musically talented), but she said I should just bring him. So I said, thank you very much, I'd love to.

(I was just typing away, and Eli turned to me and said, "One popular phrase that people use at work here is "and then you disappear up your own asshole." I can't quite figure out what it means." Feel free to email him with your thoughts.)

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love the color combination and that it accommodates a color scheme that doesn't revolve around pinks.

    baby girl bedding
