Saturday, June 05, 2010

We went to Whole Foods today and bought some bread that we used to eat when we lived here in 2007 and maybe that's what set me off, but today, I am just overwhelmed that Tommy is a three year old boy. Or maybe it's the potty-training and the transition to a big-boy bed, and sudden acceptance of a blanket and pillow? Whatever the reason, I am stunned that he is so grown up. And Eli keeps telling me how it's great, how he's still completely adorable, and how our relationships with him are so much more developed because we have conversations (I can ask him questions like, "what's your favorite fruit?" or "what's your favorite color?") but for some reason, today, it's killing me.

Tommy bit his lip this morning while eating his granola, so for the rest of the day, when he ate something, he started screaming (full on screaming) -- presumably because he bit the same spot. Please feel free to email me any suggestions you have for dealing with this. He's only had yogurt and a popsicle today, and I'd like him to have a slightly more nutritious diet tomorrow if possible.

1 comment:

  1. Mouth wounds, like most head wounds, heal quickly due to the blood supply to the head, so probably the mouth sore won't be so bad tomorrow. Nutrition isn't so important for a couple of days, though. Popsicles are just fine, until it heals. Maybe ice cream would be good. It's dairy, after all. Good luck.
    Love, Grandma Sid
