Tuesday, September 28, 2010


So it turns out that I'm not as on top of things as I thought. The crazy Brits start their children in school when the children are just four. (How did I miss this? Because I have no British friends.) So, next fall, in less than a year, Tommy is supposed to start school. Even the American school starts them when they're four. They just tack on a second year of kindergarten. If we'd stayed in the US, I would have had this year plus two more to figure out school for Tommy, as I wanted him to do kindergarten at Montessori. But now we are here.

Apparently the Brits haven't read all the articles about how kids who start school later are more successful.

Sigh. If I'm not posting, it's because I'm calling up all the snotty schools in our neighborhood to beg for a spot. Or to beg for an assessment. (Not sure what you can assess about a four year old.)

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