Tuesday, October 26, 2010


In the UK, there are three terms of school (September to December, January to March, and April to July), and in the middle of each term, the children get a week of vacation. It is my guess that this is to torture the parents, because that is what it does.

Tommy is on break this week, and because I knew it might be rough, I over scheduled us. Yesterday, we went to Tom's house for a playdate; this morning we met Ava and Isabella for a play at the park and then lunch "at a restaurant!"; tomorrow Angus and Heidi are coming over for a play and lunch; Thursday we'll have Harry and Amelia over and Friday I don't think we have anything. Perhaps we'll break our no-TV-during-the-week rule and watch a movie. I am exhausted.

This morning Tommy was singing the hello song (it's a British one -- I'd never heard it before coming here) and he sang "hello Chloe." I asked if there was a little girl named Chloe in his class because I didn't think so, and he said no, that he was singing about the big girl at Grandma Sid and Grandpa Ollie's house. When we saw Chloe, she was fighting with her mother and so was happy to hang out with Tommy outside and he liked that. She also was wearing a pretty dress, he thought.

Lizzie loves having Tommy home from school. She shortens her naps so that she can spend more time playing with him in his room. She thinks he's very funny except when he snatches toys away from here (a common occurrence I am sorry to say). Also, Lizzie is now at the back-killing stage of wanting to walk everywhere while holding my fingers. I secretly do not want her to walk because I know my life will become so much more difficult.

The kids are both sleeping horribly. We think Lizzie is teething (based on the constant drooling), but Tommy has no excuse (other than Lizzie woke him up, which doesn't explain his refusal to go back to sleep once he is awake).

The most exciting news of the day is that (poor) Eli and I are going to a Christmas carol sing-a-long at the Royal Albert Hall. I am really looking forward to it!

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