Thursday, October 07, 2010


Lizzie can point, clap and raise her hands when we ask "how big is Lizzie?" She also waves (though possibly accidentally). She loves to eat buttered toast, peas, and butternut squash. She says "mmmmmm" when she eats things she likes. She stares at people on the bus until they smile at her. She goes to sleep all by herself, no more rocking. Lizzie is just at a completely adorable stage. I will be posting some learning-to-crawl pictures shortly. She is still working hard on crawling.

On the downside: she threw her cupcake hat over the side of the buggy while I was running last Thursday and I didn't notice. When I did notice, we had just 10 minutes before we had to pick up Tommy, so I couldn't go back and find it. This week I have recovered a sock, but lost a paci. I am finally not feeling sad about the cupcake hat, but it took a week. I loved that hat.

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