Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Tommy went back to school today. He told me all week that he didn't want to go back to school and that he didn't like school (he recites Chester Racoon's monologue from "The Kissing Hand" whenever I mention school and it's very funny because he even mimics the voice I use for Chester). Anyway, we arrived and he was obviously thrilled to be there and believe me when I say that I was thrilled to leave him there. Tommy wears me out.

We had a fun Halloween. Tommy was Batman and still tells everybody that it's Halloween tomorrow and he's Batman. We went trick or treating in a neighborhood near our temporary apartment, with friends we made in the communal garden. A ton of Americans live there, which is why the trick or treating is so good. It was packed with kids, and some of the big kids had masks on that were pretty scary. The most interesting moment of the evening occurred at the very first house. Tommy rang the bell, shouted "trick or treat" and then ran right on inside. He was so excited that he did not listen to me when I called after him, and so I had to enter the house as well to collect him. It was quite embarrassing, but the elderly British couple were very nice and seemed to understand when I explained that it was his first time ever trick or treating. Obviously, I didn't fully explain the process...

Also on Halloween: Lizzie finally got her first tooth. It's the upper left and my God teething looks painful. She has slept better the past two nights. Which is nice, given the daylight savings hell that we're going through right now. You wouldn't think an hour would matter so much, but when you have your kids on regimented schedules, it's a big deal. Today Lizzie took her first nap from 7:30-8:30 (yep, up right at six), and then couldn't go back to sleep until we got home from preschool and ate lunch, at 1:15. HORRIBLE. And even though she had a decent afternoon nap, she pretty much cried from 5:30-6:45 when she finally passed out. HORRIBLE. All I want for Christmas is no more daylight savings time EVER.

Tonight Tommy was adorable. He put his babies (Tess and Daisy) to bed, "right next to me because they'll be cozy" and then read them stories. He read them Lizzie's stories (board books) because they are babies and those books are for babies.

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