Sunday, December 19, 2010

Our weekend...

The big brother likes to help these days:

On Saturday, it snowed! Tommy loves snow, I love snow, Eli does not love snow (he spent much of Sunday afternoon helping direct stranded passengers at Gatwick), and Lizzie did not weigh in this year. Here's our back yard (we call it a garden here).

On Saturday afternoon, Eli and I went to the Royal Albert Hall for our Christmas sing-a-long. It was sold out, but the weather kept probably half the audience from attending. (The conductor's first words were congratulating us for making it and then he wondered if we'd thought about how we'd get home?) We had fun, but we will probably try something different next year, as there is lots to choose from for the holiday season there. It's a lovely place.

After the concert, we walked to the Kensington High Street tube, and here's how Kensington Gardens looked. So pretty!!

Tommy and Lizzie having a little moment:

and the little moment ending...

And now, the true focal point of the weekend -- nuts and bolts. My parents' amazing Christmas package arrived last week, and my grandma and aunts stowed some chex mix (nuts and bolts) in it (as well as buckeyes and peanut brittle). My family of four -- because Lizzie did eat some of the kix and chex -- consumed this entire container between Thursday and Sunday evening. Tommy in particular is a huge fan and every time he couldn't think of something else to do, he suggested that we share a small bowl of nuts and bolts. DELICIOUS.

I'm editing this post because I forgot to say that this afternoon we went to the Natural History museum because Tommy loves dinosaurs so much right now. There's a model of a life-sized T Rex there and he thought it was scary but loved it. I am not sure if he was adorable or obnoxious in the other parts of the dinosaur exhibit, but he yelled each time he saw a new dinosaur, and identified it. "MOM! It's a TRICERATOPS!" "It's a PARASAURALOPHUS!" (or however you spell that.)

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