Wednesday, January 05, 2011


So we had the scooter crash two days ago, then yesterday I gave Tommy his toothbrush and he stuck it in his mouth and took off running. And he of course fell and cut the back of his mouth with the toothbrush. I heard him start crying and I actually could barely bring myself to look at him because I was so worried it would be an awful injury and require an immediate trip to the emergency room. (We had a long talk about running with things in his mouth, and then two more long talks on the same topic today.) Then, after he got home from school today, he was playing in the kitchen while I made lunch, and he somehow put his fingers in the door of the refrigerator when I had it open and then when I closed it, he started screaming. Horrible. He has one of those smashed-looking bruises on his finger. (When he gets hurt, Tommy wants "something soft" to make him feel better. Thus far, we've used fleece blankets, but today I hit on the genius idea of giving him a dry washcloth and he walked around with that for 15 minutes or so. What is so great about this, you ask?? LESS LAUNDRY.) So my question is: is this just one of those bad-things-come-in-threes situations, or are we looking at an-injury-a-day-in-2011 situation?


  1. How about a marshmallow? Or an NBA defense! Now that's soft! I had a longer comment about Tommy but it didn't take. Basic point--he's so physically curious and active that this is going to happen. I have a fear of slamming Lexy or Millie's fingers in a door, especially when I see them sticking their fingers through the door crack on the hinge side of the door. It's a fear borne of my own experience--my own dad having slammed my fingers in both a car and bedroom door.

  2. Andy, that was a good explanation of what happened: Tommy put his fingers through the hinge-side of the refrigerator door. That's how they were smashed. Thank you for that. (And it happened to me when I was a kid, too -- perhaps it's just a common childhood experience. I say that only to make myself feel a tiny bit better.)

    I told Eli that in some ways, the scariest part of the scooter crash for me is that he loves the scooter even more. The day after the crash, he slammed into a wall and actually broke the scooter (not so it's unrideable) and he loved it...
