Sunday, May 22, 2011


So, barring approval from one person in DC, I am off to work in late June/early July. On Friday I had my second interview at Jones Day, and the partner I met with said I've got the job. I don't have an official offer yet, so I suppose things could fall through, but he told me to begin searching for a nanny.

The shocking part of this: I am happy and excited. This is mixed with a bit of guilt for feeling so happy and excited. And of course there's some anxiety about who we will find to care for the kids. But I have a couple of leads, and I'm optimistic that with the time I have, I can find someone great.

So yay.

(I am also looking very forward to hiring a cleaning person. I'll be honest. I hate mopping.)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! I'm happy for you and I'll keep my fingers crossed that you find some good help (nanny and cleaning person). I owe you an email (tomorrow I'll have time) and happy birthday wishes. I thought about you but that was the weekend we were in Phoenix celebrating Raymond's dad's 95th birthday. We had his party on your birthday. He is doing okay but couldn't remember how old he is and may not remember that we were there. I've posted a couple videos to if you want to watch. More in an email message but I just saw your news and wanted to comment.
