Friday, July 15, 2011

Work -- an update

Lizzie loves that I work because she has access to my pretty shoes (not just flip flops):

She doesn't understand why I wear only pairs.

Another cute shoe story:
Successful. What do we know from this? That Tommy should always be putting on his own shoes. Of course.

So I feel pretty settled in at my job. I'm not really on any big cases yet, but I'm doing a big project that is sort of fun. I would tell you about it but I had to sign a nondisclosure agreement, and I think a blog post might violate it. Sorry.

I really like the other associate in the construction group (we are three, soon to be four with the addition of a pretty junior associate). She is sarcastic (they all claim this is because they're British; I said my dad is American so what's his excuse), and she also knows all the interesting office gossip which I find both useful and interesting.

The hardest part of it all is (1) figuring out how to get home by 7:30 and (2) that it's a tricky transition for Tommy. He is pretty upset these days, and having fits about truly bizarre things (today's was about how he hates to wash his hands and didn't want to do it). But, we're working hard to give him lots of positive attention, which is frankly easy because he's such a good guy, and hoping that he gets used to it. I'm a bit worried that we're going to do two more big transitions -- the trip to the US and then starting at a new school. But, this is life. Or at least our life.

Lulu seems to love the nanny, and calls her mama. Nice, Lulu.

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