Tuesday, July 05, 2011


So I've been to work twice now, and other than being so exhausted I can barely hold my head up, it's feeling pretty good. I have been in training for most of the two days, and have another day like that tomorrow, but I also have some work which I am enjoying doing for the most part. I really like the people I work with in London.

Here are some funny things about working here:

* The kitchens are all called tea points.
* They have milk, tea, coffee (sort of, it's Nescafe), sugar and little tea spoons available for all in each tea point.
* They had a lunch for me that had a full bar and wine served with each course. (I did not drink, as then I would have surely slept for the rest of the afternoon.) And the lunch was in one of the conference rooms. And there was a button that one of the partners pushed to tell the waiter to come clear the dishes and bring the next course.
* People actually do say "blimey." People also say "bits and bobs" and "bloody hell."
* There are no vending machines in the office at all.

Lizzie has been very upset when I leave in the mornings but seems to have fine days once she gets over it. Tommy doesn't even seem sad when I leave. I'm sad to leave them, but perk up by the time I get to work. Eli seems unaffected.

And that's all for now.

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