Friday, January 06, 2012


I am not currently on track for my posting three times per week resolution, and while I have excuses, I'm not sure they help me look less pathetic.  I mean, it's January 6th.

So, I thought I should do a post about what we did with Mom and Dad, apart from Christmas.

Here we are at a coffee break.
 Mom, Dad and me at "Crazy For You."  (Eli took the photo.) So fun, except for the parts I slept through.

 The Museum of Childhood.  DEFINITELY worth a visit when you come to London with kids.  It's just fantastic.

 This is Christmas day -- crashing on the new balance scooter.

 This is the closest we have to a picture of the four of us with all of us looking at the camera.

 A round of "Apples to Apples" after the kids went to bed.  It's clear that I'm objecting something dad has said.
 Hyde Park Winter Wonderland.  Too crowded, and Lizzie cries whenever she has to get off rides, but otherwise quite fun.

 An outing to Trafalgar Square, Covent Garden, etc.

 Watching skating at Somerset House.

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