Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm sorry

While this will come as a huge surprise to all of you, sometimes I am a little bit grumpy. Honestly, it's not very often, but when I am in one of my cranky moods, it can be difficult to coax myself out of it.

This afternoon I snapped at Eli for silly reasons and his response was to pack up the kids, take them to the park and forbid me to come. So, I vacuumed furiously for 20 minutes (we have a burst pipe on our street and so the council keeps putting down salt which gets tracked into our house and requires more than one vacuum per week of the main level). While I vacuumed, I thought to myself, "self, you have been wanting a gellac pedi, maybe you should call and see if you can go right now." So here I sit, tapping this post into my iPhone, waiting for my pedicure to begin.

Friends, when you have a husband as nice as mine, it can be a little bit difficult (for example, right now I feel guilty), but mostly it's awesome and I wish I could clone him for my single friends. And that's all I have to say about that.

(Well, and, I'm sorry, Eli. I hope the kids are being sweet.)

Edited to show you just how sweet the kids were -- this was not posed:

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