Wednesday, February 08, 2012

The Queen's Knickers

So you know what? The trial is over, but only sort of.  For now, it's over.  And I am so pleased, for so many reasons.  I will happily and truthfully tell you that it was fascinating to experience the English version of litigation (for my American lawyer readers, the best thing about barristers is that they make the couple of weeks before trial and the weeks of trial so much nicer).  But, I'm happy to be back to the regular routine that includes walking Tommy to school each morning and having enough time in the morning to play for five minutes or read a story. 

This morning Tommy pointed at Eli's coffee mug, which has Union Jacks all over it, and told us that the Queen has those on her underwear.  "Really?"  we said.  "Oh yes," he replied, "I know all about the Queen's knickers."  Then, he recited a story about Queen Elizabeth's underwear.  He is silly, but so is the book that they are reading at school.  (They are focusing on the Queen this term because of the diamond jubilee.) 

We have had snow flurries all day long.  I am secretly hoping to wake up to enough snow to make it impossible to get to work, but a snowstorm of that magnitude is not predicted.  Sadly.

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