Sunday, February 05, 2012


So the interesting thing that happened in London this week is that it got quite cold.  And then, last night while we (ah-hem, Eli) cooked dinner, it began to snow.

Eli told me something I did not know about him:  when it begins to snow, he feels depressed.  This, he explained is because of all those times when it started to snow in April when he was growing up in Laramie.

I am quite lucky, then, that when it snows and I don't have to go anywhere, it feels cozy and exciting.

And of course those two paragraphs are absolutely irrelevant when you have a four-year-old boy running around talking about all the things he's doing in the snow the next morning.  He got his snow boots out and put them on, talked endlessly about using his favorite shovel for digging out the house, etc.

Lulu skipped her nap yesterday so that we could all go for a swim during Tommy's lesson, and so she was lying in my arms trying to fall asleep before eating rather than being excited about snow.  But she is also a bit more sensitive and finds the cold a bit difficult to deal with despite being bundled in her buggy sleeping bag with an extra blanket (a bit of a wimp).

So the trial this week was really interesting.  It meant I had to leave early which was a bit hard on Tommy because I couldn't take him to school.  These little creatures really like the same things to happen each day (Lulu calls me "Man-ee" all day on Friday because she has to adjust to having me at home rather than Mandy).

Our kids just keep getting cuter.  How is that possible?  Yesterday Eli and I cleaned out the basement and Lulu found a bag of shoes that my friend Larissa sent to me for her.  Even the smallest shoe is about an inch too big for Lulu, but she didn't mind; she was giddy in fact.  After depositing half of them into her trick-or-treating bag (we found lots of great stuff down there) she came up stairs singing "new one shoe!  new one shoe!" and then put on a pair of red sparkly shoes (think Dorothy) and did not remove them until bed time.  Her talking is becoming really good -- lots of three word sentences and she spends a lot of time narrating (eg "mommy lulu walk" or "mommy read book lulu" or "lulu nommy swim").  Lulu has stopped sitting in her seat, and prefers to stand on a chair and eat.   She's a horrible eater, so we have indulged her desire but as she needs to sit down for at least 30 minutes per meal, we probably need to switch back to her seat.

And apart from homework struggles (which his teacher is adamantly against -- if he isn't happy to do it, he apparently needn't do it) and a lingering cough which affects his sleep and therefore his cheerful personality, Tommy is great.  We will be visiting the doctor this week and if Tommy is prescribed antibiotics (for just the second time in his life), I will be happy.  One cute thing is that yesterday during swimming lessons, we had Lulu in the little pool and Tommy's teacher was working on backstroke with him and he looked over at us and mouthed, "he's singing."  Then, the part where he was working on diving was adorable.

Another post full of random pictures coming up.

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