Tuesday, March 27, 2012

On Grandparenting

This week has begun with me saying a little prayer to whoever is out
there listening to me (why do I suspect that there might not be
anyone) thanking them for making Grandma's visit coincide with Mandy's
stomach flu.

I worried that it might be too much for Grandma to handle
she-who-is-the-center-of-the-universe all day all alone, but it turns
out Grandma's coping mechanism meshes completely with Lizzie's view of
The Way Things Ought To Be.  Grandma does everything Lizzie wants her
to do.

Last night after Eli arrived, Lizzie had, so claims her father, no
fewer than five fits.  And this morning, during her second of the day
(well, that I had witnessed) brought on when I took sweets away from
her, I looked at Sid and said, "really? Do you promise that she never
did this to you yesterday?"  and Sid, "well, sure.  I never took
anything away from her."

And there, my friends, is the point.  I just have to raise my children
well enough to get some nice grandkids out of the deal so I too can do
whatever my favorite children want.  Doesn't that sound so much nicer
than having to socialize them?


  1. I've thought about this issue from time to time and I had the thought that if grandma/pa were with the granddaughter or son on something of an ongoing, every-day basis, socialization would govern the interactions more, but when it's an occasional visit, I can understand completely the approach she's taken!

  2. Agree, and in no way was I criticizing the approach. I think it works for everyone (me included) and I am eternally grateful for that as this week would have been very, very rough without Grandma Sid.

  3. We've got the on-going though not quite everyday situation for grandparents this is what I've observed amongst ours. It allows said grandparents to pick and choose their approach. They can be completely indulgent at times, and stricter than us on at others. And you know what? Margaret responds to both - I don't think she has expectations either way. She adores them all, even when Grandma Sandy brings down the hammer on whatever nonsense is going on. Result? Short term tremendous pout, then on to the next fun thing.

    I think we're all pretty lucky with our grandparent situations. I'd have LOST MY MIND without ours. More so than I have, I mean...
