Saturday, April 07, 2012


Eli and I had Mandy come and we went shopping.  As we walked through the mall (that's right, we're Americans so we sought out one of the only proper malls in London), discussing something I don't quite remember, Eli described something as "daft."

"Excuse me, honey, but did you just say 'daft'?"  I asked.

"Yes, I'm trying to use it more," he replied.  And he meant it.  So I invite all of you to mock him when he uses it around you.

Another funny thing that happened is that Eli tried on a shirt that fit him really nicely, but decided not to buy it.  I could tell he wasn't sold on it, but I really liked it.  So we shopped a couple of hours and I told him I was going back to the store to buy it, and he was really resistant.  I didn't understand why, but I marched him back to the store and purposefully walked toward the rack.

And when I found it I saw that it had a huge EAGLE FEATHER on the shoulder that had completely escaped my keen powers of observation when Eli had tried it on before.  So I started laughing hysterically and all the people in the store thought I had lost my mind.

Of course Eli was so relieved that he didn't have to buy the shirt that he didn't care that I was acting like a freakshow.

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