Tuesday, May 29, 2012


So it's no secret in my house that I'm a bit stressed out lately. My case is exploding; we're going on vacation to Andy and Katherine's wedding; the kids are sleeping badly (and so am I to be honest); oh, and we're going to leave London sometime in the next few months.

Eli says -- and he's totally right -- that I am getting better at these transitions as they come along. And I admit that I can find many things to be excited about in Gabon (the current frontrunner): bilingual children (even if they speak French with a somewhat odd accent), beaches, being sort of near Hanh and Eleanor again.

But, it's hard to feel like I'm just hitting my stride in my job and now I'm going. Our kids go to such great schools* and we live in such a nice neighborhood, and I like London so much and on and on.

If we go to Gabon, my twenty readers are going to be the real winners, you know. Can you imagine the stuff I will have to write about? I'll have to write two posts a day just to process. (What did I do before blogging? I think I talked more on the telephone?)

In the meantime -- while we figure out where we're going and when -- you'll have to bear with me as I publicly worry through all of this. Sorry, charlie.

Happy Tuesday and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LIBBER (and Ollie tomorrow and Chinka yesterday).

*On the way to school one morning last week, I asked Tommy which school he liked better: Eridge House or Paint Pots? "Eridge House. At Paint Pots there's no playing; you just work all the time."

**This morning on our walk to school, I was explaining piling and foundations to Tommy just because I couldn't think of anything else to talk about and yesterday I sat in three expert interviews about this stuff (anyone who wants to explain negative skin friction, please send an email). Anyway, he was pretty engaged and talking about settlement and what piles do (in simple terms) when all of a sudden he said, "okay, now I'll tell you what I learned yesterday at my school. About minibeasts. And some beatles are flying and some are not." I realized maybe I wasn't as interesting as I thought...
***I was so mad at Tommy on Sunday afternoon that I told him if he didn't stay near me (we were out and he was badly behaved) that I would leave him there.  I know, HORRIBLE and something I never imagined saying to my kid.  And later when I was apologizing, Eli asked Tommy what he would do if he ever was lost, and Tommy said he'd go find a policeman and say, "My mummy and daddy have left me..."  Yikes.

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