Tuesday, May 01, 2012


Hi there.  It's a rainy Tuesday afternoon here in London.  We had a nice day yesterday but now my iPhone weather forecast is back to only rain.  Which sort of makes me hate it a little bit.  As though the phone is responsible for the weather?  I think I won't get a new phone until it gets sunny here just to make sure that I need one. 

Eli and I went to a fun dinner on Saturday night.  I work with another American and it was her birthday, and she does really neat London things because she is only here for a year.  It was put on by a chef who cooks with local ingredients in random places.  Ours was in an old car garage.  They had picnic tables and put up paper lanterns and announced that we shouldn't touch anything in the garage apart from the food because they didn't know what might be there.   (The announcement was just in time as I had not yet lay down on the floor for a nap.) 

We sat near my barrister friend (who took me to lunch in that neat old building, remember that post?) and he told us about how he lost on a college quiz show because he had two difficult questions at the beginning -- and guess who knew the answers to the questions?  MY SMART HUSBAND.  Anyway, so when Eli and I were walking to the Tube afterward, he said, "there are just some people in this world who are obviously really smart and smarter that you, you know?" (He meant that Dan was smarted than himself, not me, though it would have probably been an appropriate comment if he had meant me.)  And I said, "YES, and that's how I feel about him too!"   

This guy got a job at one of the best chambers in London.  He was one of 700 interviewees.  He's just really smart.  And also really nice and very fun.  It's quite fun to have smart friends because they know so much.   

Eli and I have been watching the show "Girls" and now I have a new favorite song.  You should listen.  And that chick who writes and stars in that show? IMPRESSIVE.  Why to do it, Lena Dunham.  (While this blog began as a way to keep my children's grandparents updated  on their status in London, I am not actually recommending "Girls" to my own parents or my in-laws.  I think I'm about the oldest person who can watch that show and find it so touching.  It just kills me.  But I might be wrong?) 

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