Monday, May 14, 2012

Paintball and cholesterol

It's Monday evening and my husband is 'down the pub' after playing paint ball.

I never thought I would type those words (the paint ball part, of course), but here we are.  It was apparently SO much fun (emphasis Eli's).

In contrast, I am home having arrived earlier than normal to relieve Mandy.  I have already eaten a huge amount of spinach (perhaps addressing some deficiency or another?) and am preparing to continue reading 'Anne of Avonlea.'  I have been thinking for quite some time about rereading the Anne of Green Gables books because I love them so bad, and the trip to Dubai helped me remember to load them onto my Kindle.  (Kindles are dorky but I really do love mine.)  I was worried that rereading them would disappoint but it has not and I am planning a trip to Prince Edward Island sometime in my future.  I fear I will be blogging less than normal until Anne and Gilbert get together at the end of 'Anne of the Island' which might take me into next week given the lack of reading time (apart from children's books) I currently have.  (But we all know that I find television time, so don't feel too sorry for me.)

Eli and I just had this conversation by text, which is actually why I logged into blogger in the first place:

Eli:  'What is the procedure called where they go inside your arteries with a needle to clean out the cholesterol?'

Me:  'With the balloon thing? Angioplasty.  You guys should talk about fun things instead.'

Eli:  'None of them have heard of it and they're all ordering this horrible burger with butter, bacon and an egg.'

And I'll leave you with that to start your week.

1 comment:

  1. Hoorah for kid lit! Kids are such a great excuse to be able to indulge in it. We are working our way through the Little House books (resulting in some interesting discussions...) - it's great. Did you ever read Anne Morrow Lindberg? Tommy might be a little young still, but her stuff is great. The Worry Week was probably my favorite.

    Eric would totally eat the burger. And he already has $%@^ cholesterol.
