Sunday, June 03, 2012

The Beach

 I realize that the Wal-Mart focus of my last post may have turned some of you off of reading my blog, but I am back with some nice photos of our first evening at the beach (or maybe our second but that really doesn't matter -- I'm only mentioning it so that you know you have many many more beach photos to come).

My children are amazingly happy here.  They want only to walk around looking at hermit crabs and other little animals.  The icing on the cake are the two neighborhood cats that are often around our house.  Poor Tommy was making some progress with one of them this morning when his sister finally made it down the stairs and ran as fast as she could toward the kitty...and you know the end of that story.

Anyway, we're having a really nice time despite the jet lag (which may have resolved itself as the kids woke up at 5:30 this morning rather than 3:00 like yesterday and the day before).  And while I intended to write all about the flights, I am not sure that I will actually do it so I will say only that the kids were mostly good.  The day was very long and by the end my nerves were shot and Eli was legitimately more frustrated with me than with our children but that we are now here and happy that we have a week until we do it all over again.

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