Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Tonight before he finally went to bed, Tommy said:  'this is the worst end to father's day ever!'

And I'll be honest, it wasn't a great day or a great weekend.  Our kids were very badly behaved.  Very.  Whiny and tired and not at all nice to either of their parents.  

So, I'll tell you the nice parts rather than focus on the fact that I have only a two-day weekend (I know, I know) and my kids semi-ruined it:

* They are still jet lagged a bit so they slept until 7:30 each morning and it was just so nice.  
* We got really good coffee today to drink while we walked in Kensington Gardens.  (So that's two good parts, except for when Lulu got mud all over my yellow pants (trousers).)
* We each got to read a lot of the New Yorker (me, while my hair was colored on Saturday morning and Eli while he waited around for the guy working on our boiler on Saturday afternoon) and it has really interesting articles in it.
* We watched a funny 'Modern Family' in which Phil says Claire is like a Border Collie because she has to run every day, and I felt like someone finally explained me and I got excited and Eli looked at me like I was crazy.  (I am.  But we both laughed.)
* It didn't rain very much at all.
* This sweet card (he's working on his lower case letters):

I hope all of you had lovely weekends! 

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