Thursday, July 26, 2012


First, I must thank Melora for remembering that I was due to see the torch this morning and for sending an email asking if I'd been successful.  As a faithful blog reader and commenter, she must be acknowledged here.

Anyway, so Eli let me go to work early and when I came out of the Tube at Blackfriars, it was immediately apparent that I wasn't the only person who thought to come in a bit early to see the torch.

Here's a picture to set the scene:

Here is, I hope (I had some problems uploading), a video of the torch passing by.  It was CLOSE, but still a bit anticlimactic.  (Sorry for the screaming.  I can't get over the English.  They are so calm about everything.  And doesn't the TORCH deserve a cheer??)

I have now decided that I want to see diving.  Leave a comment to tell me how much you would pay to see diving, as it might help me convince my husband to plunge for the tickets.  (Pun totally intended.)  Also, include £50 in childcare costs in your number.

Check this space next week.  I have an exciting announcement coming soon.  Also, a request for parenting advice.

1 comment:

  1. Of COURSE I have to post now!

    I'd say it's at least worth the cost of a restaurant you might only go to once every few years for a no holding back kind of meal. For us, for 2, that might be $200-$300 (plus the sitter) for a pretty awesome night - like a chef's table or something with a really good bottle of wine. But scale yours for London!

    I still remember seeing the rowing and some skating at the Goodwill Games when we were in what - early high school? It's an amazing opportunity to see competitive sport at an elite level, it may not come around again. Take advantage of it if you can.
