Sunday, August 26, 2012

The London Aquarium

Sometimes when you're a parent you do things that you otherwise just would. not. do.  Like wait in the pounding rain (I'm not kidding, it rained like it must've rained on Noah) in a line to go into a clearly over-crowded building where they keep animals in spaces which are far too small for them.

That's right.  We gave £50 to the London Aquarium so we could see a bunch of sharks swim around a tank that wasn't big enough, a flock (? group?) of penguins wander around a smallish room and then get teased by little kids pretending to feed them through the glass, and on and on.  And right now I sound like I didn't enjoy this experience.  But it was fine and as always it was lovely to watch my kids enjoy themselves so much.

I just have a hard time with the fact that my kids love animals and there are not as many ways to expose them to animals as I would like that I feel good about.  Our trip to Wakulla Springs stands out as a perfect mix of seeing animals, safely, but without compromising the quality of the animals' lives.

Anyway, here are two photos (actually, three, sorry).  You can guess which was taken by Tommy and which was taken by Eli:

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