Sunday, September 16, 2012

Catching up...

Here is Lulu's first day of school.  Tommy started the following day, so he came with us to take Lulu on her first day.  This is the only picture I took of Lulu on her first day.  Horrible.  The report is that she so far loves her school.

Here's Tommy's first day.  Eli and I both took him to school.  You already know how Tommy's doing.

 This is Lulu having lunch on Tuesday.  She refused to sit in her seat.  At one point during this meal, her head was leaning against the table.
 On Tuesday afternoon we got balloons.

 Friday morning pre-preschool muffin.
 On Friday afternoon we went to the pediatrician.  Tommy is in the 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height.  Lulu is in the 9th percentile for weight and 25th percentile for height.  They are very healthy little children.  Lulu had to have a shot and her reward for the shot were these very glamorous glasses.
 We found a fun tree but we lost Tommy:
And finally, a movie of Lulu saying 'umbrella.'

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