Sunday, December 16, 2012

And she is THREE YEARS OLD...

What, doesn't everyone sing Happy Birthday to themselves?  (She sang 'Lizzie' for those curious.)

She likes cake, and this was her second!
Mommy trying to set up the playmobil.
YOU GUYS.  She is THREE and as if on cue her tantrums have become much worse.  Today she was unhappy with an answer I gave her so she violently threw the item she was holding at the wall.  And about one minute later sweetly apologised...

Lizzie has started to talk a lot and especially likes to ask "why"?  I am not quite ready to scream 'because' at her but one of these days it will happen.  She sings all the time and loves, loves, loves to hear songs she knows when we are out and about (happens quite frequently now that we're in Christmas month) and gets very excited:  "MOMMY!  I know this one!"

She still prefers to be carried, which obviously is something my back needs me to work on, but when I refuse her request to be carried, it usually ends in a stand off with Lizzie screaming at the top or bottom of a staircase with me at the other end, alternating between coaxing her to come with me and threatening to leave her behind.  (This is something you could never have convinced me I would do before I had children.  My old self would report my current self to CPS.)

She described something (watermelon) to me as 'juicy' yesterday and I complimented her for knowing that word.

She tells a joke:

-knock knock
-who's there?
-cash who
-no thanks, but I'd like a peanut!

Lizzie still loves animals and will describe any animal at all as ''reawy cuuuute."  She asks both Eli and me to play with her and read to her if we look at all like we might have some time.

As I told her today, she is absolutely my favorite daughter.

(I owe you more photos.)

1 comment:

  1. You know we're all in the same boat on the old self/new self thing, right? Because I said so. Because I'm the mama. Because I just really want to finish my glass of wine before retrieving whatever it is for the fourth time....
