Friday, March 22, 2013

And we're in!

So we live in our house now.  Ta-da!  The kids and I have slept here for two whole nights and for the most part, it feels GREAT.  There are lots of things that need to be done, but yesterday our new cleaning lady came for seven hours and the amount of work she did was breathtaking.  We sorted out the kids' room, the kitchen, our room and closet and bathroom (I wish I'd taken a photo of the boxes of toiletries all over the floor), and she even organized the little storage area off of the garage.  And that was after cleaning all of the outdoor areas.

Anyway, it feels great and I am so happy to live here now.  The kids and I really like this house and they are just in love with having all of their things available to them again.  They are also in love with the quantity of television they have been permitted to watch since we moved in and I figured out how to connect the television to the DVD player.  ANYTHING to have them not calling for me every minute.  My favorite is when they say things like, "Mommy, can you go get my [insert name of object]?" and I say, "No, I've gone up and down the stairs forty five times today."  And they say, "Mommy, PLEASE can you go get my [insert name of object]?"

The wrinkle has been those bunkbeds.  I'm confident that they understand how they need to behave in order to be safe on them, but Lizzie is convinced that she should be sleeping on the top bunk with Tommy which obviously will never happen.  And, Tommy is scared (as usual).  So first thing after stories, Lizzie has a fit, and then Tommy whines for a while.  And then, sometime in the middle of the night he comes into bed with me.  Last night I told him he'd better enjoy it because Daddy wouldn't let him sleep with us when he came back, and he said, "Oh, Mommy, I know.  Don't worry."  And I didn't really answer him, but why would I be worried?

This morning we were invited to a pool party playdate by two of Lizzie's classmates and I set off without knowing where I was going. So we wandered around for 45 minutes before I called the whole thing off and sent a text apologizing for not showing up to one of the moms.  I realized as I drove home, still swearing, that I have NEVER driven directly to a private residence here.  I always end up lost.  Once the woman I was going to visit had to retrieve me.  So that's a little bit irritating.  This is a personal challenge for next time.  Because I will go crazy if this happens another time, and also, my kids will know a lot of curse words that they really shouldn't. 


  1. So glad to hear you're all settled.

    About getting lost, does your iPhone not have Google Maps or something similar?

  2. Oh, Allan, of course it does! But my data sometimes randomly doesn't work, and I have to take it back into the mobile place for them to adjust the settings. Not even Eli can do it...

    We bought a GPS for the car which will hopefully sort it all out.

    Your baby is SO CUTE. xoxo

  3. Ha, awesome that you got one for the car. It feels like being lost in a car is one of those problems that technology has solved!
