Saturday, May 04, 2013

Two "pwincess outfits" in one day

The pwincesses have taken over Lizzie.  Today she did not want the dress I selected for her; she wanted to dress like a pwincess.  After she put it on, she turned to her brother and said, "See Tommy? I'm pretty!"  So I put my hands over my ears and ran screaming from the room.  (Not really.)

This first outfit was ruined when she spilled chocolate milk on it.  Because would a pwincess really wear a shirt with a spot on it? Hardly.

 This second outfit - the back up shall we call it - was only borderline acceptable.  "I don't like white."
"Why not?" "It's too different."  (Meaning:  it's not pink.)  Thankfully, yesterday, she was happy as a clam in this "outfit", playing Lego:

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