Monday, July 08, 2013


Not to make it all about me, but I AM AN AUNTIE again!  Em and Sid's baby is born, and he is precious!  Behold:

He was huge (one ounce larger than I predicted, though):  8 lbs, 10 oz.
His head is huge and he's nearly 21 inches long.  Em was only in labor for 8 hours and the word on the street is that she ROCKED IT.  My biggest problems are (1) that I can't hold him until December and (2) that I need someone to watch my kids so I can go to Baby Gap because obviously little baby Dylan Kent Mathews deserves a new outfit or ten.

1 comment:

  1. Cutie cute cute! Congrats to Em and Sid, the extended Kents and Mathews, and, of course, little Dylan!
