Saturday, August 24, 2013


The final stop on our trip was Laramie -- at Sid & Ollie's house.

I love going to Laramie for these reasons:
* It doesn't take longer than ten minutes to get anywhere.
* I don't usually have anything to do other than visit with my in-laws and I learn really interesting things such as the fact that my mother-in-law won a medal for archery when she was 11, and my father-in-law had a horse that poked his head in the kitchen window for treats.
* When I run five miles at 7000 feet, I feel really, really impressive.
* When I run early in the morning (which happened only once on this trip), I see antelope and deer (sometimes this is a negative if they get too close because I am a city girl).

What to know why Tommy and Lizzie love Laramie?  Mostly, for this field:

Eli and me standing on the bridge over the train tracks.

My mother-in-law in the co-op.  I wish Eli had taken a photo of the lettuce and herbs growing out of the wall.  (Perhaps I ought to take my own photos?)

Reading on the porch.

Ollie on his bike and Tommy with the wagon in the field.  Tommy's favorite was riding on the handle bars with Grandpa Ollie.

1 comment:

  1. First off, I'm loving the higher res photos.

    Secondly, the picture of you and E is lovely. And you guys look like you haven't aged a day since leaving SF.
