Friday, September 20, 2013

Lizzie's Impression of MOI

Yesterday, Lizzie and I baked cookies.  As we were finishing up, we had the following conversation:

L:  When I grow up I'm going to help you make cookies.

Me:  And what else?

L:  Clean the kitchen!

Me:  And what else?

L:  Put the closets away!  (I think this means put away clean laundry, but not sure.)
Me:  And what else?

L:  Get angrier and angrier...

I choose to laugh at this, although it is depressing on two levels if I allow myself to really consider it.  First, that she does not consider me to do anything apart from housework, but ALSO that clearly I'm a little bit crappy at stay-at-home-motherhood because she's totally right!  I do get mad at them at least once a day!  (The listening and following instructions around here is a little bit horrifying lately, so we're going to take some time tomorrow to re-implement the marble jar.)

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