Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Andersons' Visit, part 1 - Desert Nights Camp!

Tommy & Lizzie had some best pals in London, with whom they spent lots of time because our nanny was roommates with Harry & Amelia's nanny.  Imagine how exciting it was that our first Oman visitors were Harry & Amelia and their parents, Brad & Evie!  We had a lovely time with them -- we spent a day at the beach, a day touring Muscat (as well as possible with four smallish children) and then we went to a desert camp.  The desert camp was absolutely amazing and is now on the 'must do' list with other visitors.  Perhaps these photos will entice more of you to come.  On our way back to Muscat from the desert, we went to Wadi Shab again (photos coming soon)...

The camp parking lot.

Up on the dune, watching the sunset.

It was windy and she had sand in her eyes...But look behind us.

It is still mentioned among members of my family that we saw a dung beetle actually pushing dung.  One or two of us might even call it a highlight of the trip.

This is as we were getting seated for dinner.  What I like about this photo is that you can tell that every child is in motion.

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