Monday, October 14, 2013

The Cronut Comes to Muscat (and, therefore, to my house)

Two weeks ago, we had Leigh and Peter and Grace over for dinner and as I was considering dessert, I remembered the flier we'd had on our front step about a French bakery that was now baking cronuts.

What's a cronut?  If you don't know, you haven't been been reading the Mormon blogs lately and are missing out on all kinds of interesting stuff.  A cronut is a marriage between a donut and a croissant.  I am not so much a donut person but I do enjoy croissant (especially almond ones).  So I went to the French bakery and bought six cronuts.  (That is a lot as they are quite big.)  You can see four different varieties in the photo below: plain, chocolate, caramel (the best one) and coffee (the worst).  

Peter & Leigh!

Eli and me (note that my hair is impressively dirty)

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