Monday, December 16, 2013

All Grown Up

Lizzie's birthday party was on Friday, her actual birthday was Saturday, and today she had treats in her classroom to celebrate.  She wore a crown all day yesterday at preschool, and all day today.  Tomorrow might be rough.

Our cleaning lady walked in yesterday and said, "How are you Lizzie?"  She said, "I'm four."  She doesn't always put up four fingers, but usually.

She hasn't really had a big birthday party before, because she has an incredibly lazy and last-minute mother (and her father seems to have something against the concept of BIG kids' birthday parties) so this one was really surprising and fun for her.  She was at first a bit fixated on the gifts which one waits to open until after the party these days.  We had it at a club that has a huge play structure for kids and a bar for parents.  (It's the American club and it could be that all of us taxpayers are subsidizing said bar.  But also said play structure.  I don't know.)  Rather than invite all of her classmates, we invited only the kids with parents that we know and like.  I realize that this will eventually be impossible but she didn't seem to miss anyone.

After her party, we came home and opened her gifts.  In the morning, she got her gifts from us.  The quantity of stuff that we have to incorporate into our limited space leaves me wondering where it will all go (because we already did a big clean of the toys in preparation for the holidays).

1 comment:

  1. That is a really lovely cake. I love that it feels like something from the Middle East, rather than a standard roses and leaves motif from good old Boraccini's on Rainier Ave.
