Saturday, March 08, 2014

Muscat life

Since we came back from Christmas, we have walked on the beach every Friday morning.  It is just starting to warm up, so yesterday was our first day swimming, and I use the word "our" loosely as I barely waded.  It was cold.  However, swimming with her daddy was the best part of Lulu's day, so I apparently missed out.

Living abroad is hard in many ways, but there are so many upsides that I think on balance it's worth it.  Of course, we'll never really know as there are no do-overs in life are there (this is something I just realized last summer, so forgive me if I mention it often, I think I'm trying to make sure it really sinks in).

Anyway, these beachy mornings are definitely one point for the "pro-living in Muscat" list.  (The quantity of sand that returns to our house with us is not, however.)

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