Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Weekend

The kids had Wednesday and Thursday off last week, for parent teacher conferences, which meant we had a four day weekend with lots of fun. Here is a random assortment of things from the weekend.

First, let me show you an article from our paper (not from the weekend - it's been in my 'to do' pile since February sometime):

 Next, let's look at some work samples, want to??

We live in a complex called the Wave, and Oman Sail is here too.  They hosted sailing races this weekend, and we went yesterday.  It looked SO FUN that I told Lulu we're going to try to sign up for sailing lessons in the afternoons.  I'll keep you posted.
 A rainbow!
There were camels at the sailing races.  I have no idea why, but there was also a bouncy castle which would have been very fun except that it was black and too hot to jump on.

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