Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Party!

We had Tommy's party the day after his birthday, because the kids were on spring break and I thought more kids would be able to come the day before they had to go back to school.  I was mostly wrong -- lots of kids didn't make it -- but Tommy didn't seem to mind at all.  He was thrilled to spend his birthday with a few of his favorite friends and he loved the soft play area that we had the party.  Lizzie had just as much fun.  (We are lucky to know a lot of families with similarly aged kids so she usually has a playmate, and our very favorites have a boy Tommy's age and two older kids who play with Lizzie so sweetly that I ignore her completely when they are around.)

In case you were wondering, I made the cupcakes and they were overbaked.  Nobody complained, thankfully.

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