Monday, May 12, 2014


I have about four posts going in my head right now, but no pictures uploaded and these posts require photos.  I will let you know that I had a lovely birthday, that we saw Tommy's school play yesterday (my god I just love school plays - am I the only one or is this a common condition of parenthood?), that the end of year lunch for the AWG was yesterday and included a fashion show in which I modeled (horribly) and wore orange false eyelashes (see what I mean about photos?) and that Mother's Day was uneventful.  Lizzie's class had a Mother's Day tea the Thursday before during which they sang "Oh Mother Dear, Oh Mother Dear, Oh How I love you Mother Dear" to the tune of "Oh Christmas Tree" complete with hand motions.  Tommy wrote me a very sweet card right after he woke up on my own stationary (which he is not supposed to use) so the card said, "Dear LAURA KENT" rather than "Dear Mom" but beggars can't be choosers.

Our life is consumed by end-of-school year madness with sides of going away parties for dear friends and choir concerts.  It is for this reason that we are going to Dubai for a long weekend, perhaps putting my posts off even longer.  I am sorry.  I will catch up.  This is stuff I really do want to tell you all about.

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