Saturday, January 31, 2015

Jebal Akhdar

This weekend, friends invited us to join them at Jebal Akhdar.  We stayed at Sahab, which was a lovely hotel, but next time we will try another popular new place.  After we adjusted our route on google maps, it was easy to find.  There is a police checkpoint at the bottom of the mountain and you are only allowed up with a 4WD vehicle, because it is so steep and winding.  I tried not to pay attention.

A popular brand of drinking water is named after Jebal Akhdar, but I have no idea where they claim to get this water (that's a lie:  it is likely desalinated as is all the rest of our water, so from the sea), but there is no apparent source of water on Jebal Akhdar.  There is a falaj system (see my photos below), but that is most definitely not drinking water.

After Tommy's football match on Friday morning (his team won!), we went home, packed the car and set off on what was meant to be a two hour drive but actually took three and a half due to bad mapquesting.  I assume full responsibility.  After we arrived and checked in, we went on a hike through some villages.  Everybody thought we were crazy to go to the mountains in the middle of winter, and in the evening after the sun went down, we did wear fleece coats.  It felt so nice and cozy!

In the morning, we finished the hike and then drove back to Muscat as one of us had to get into the office.  Still, nice to have him around a bit more than usual this weekend.

They are standing on the falaj.

Our hotel - the pool was not heated, so the kids took over the hottub.

That's our hotel on the top of the hill.

Mutrah Hike - December 2014

While Hanh was here, we decided to go for a hike in Mutrah (which is the old part of Muscat).  The hike is in the mountains that are right along the harbor, and there are gorgeous views.  It's not an easy hike, however, and it's more difficult when one goes the wrong way (as there are flags painting on the rocks showing the way, this isn't such an easy thing to do but we managed it).

Another hiker offered to take our photo and then made us a nice rock background instead of the pretty view.
He must not be too stupid though, because he followed the flags and went the right way.

See Tommy all the way down there? 

I look heartless in this photo, but I did carry her quite a while.  She's pretty cute, and not especially easy to turn down.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Christmas 2014

We had SUCH a nice Christmas this year, although I would say there are a few too many new Lego in this house.  (Tommy would disagree.)  I made breakfast with not-great-cinnamon rolls and Mom and Dad made the whole dinner which was JUST SO NICE OF THEM.  Of all the presents I got on Christmas, and I got some nice ones, that was my favorite. (You'll have to take my word for it that Eli was there - doing all the behind-the-camera work.)
Surveying the gifts, and waiting impatiently for Eleanor to wake up.

Guess who asked Santa to make her a box troll for Christmas?

Because what else is there to do when you unwrap toy nunchucks from your Grandma?

Mom and Dad broke/lost both their cameras before the safari, so Santa got them a new one.

Compulsory Christmas photo.

Eleanor liked having extra readers around.

Again with the hands.  Isn't that for Texas? I mean, what is he doing?

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Christmas Eve

I'm positive I mentioned that Hanh and Eleanor spent Christmas with us, but did I also mention that we had a little party on Christmas Eve? We did!  And it was really fun.  It's a nice part of being an expat to be able to have a party on Christmas Eve because nobody else really has anything to do either (if they are still in town).

My friend Frannie (who is moving!), Hanh and Tommy wearing a cape.

A nice one of our patio with friends.

I actually hadn't realized how many cookies she must have consumed until I saw these photos.

I think Grace had some, too :)

The craziest thing:  we had carolers!  In Muscat!  And they sounded pretty okay!

Drinking Manhattans!

Just before collapsing into bed.  My goodness Christmas is a lot of work.