Friday, January 30, 2015

Christmas 2014

We had SUCH a nice Christmas this year, although I would say there are a few too many new Lego in this house.  (Tommy would disagree.)  I made breakfast with not-great-cinnamon rolls and Mom and Dad made the whole dinner which was JUST SO NICE OF THEM.  Of all the presents I got on Christmas, and I got some nice ones, that was my favorite. (You'll have to take my word for it that Eli was there - doing all the behind-the-camera work.)
Surveying the gifts, and waiting impatiently for Eleanor to wake up.

Guess who asked Santa to make her a box troll for Christmas?

Because what else is there to do when you unwrap toy nunchucks from your Grandma?

Mom and Dad broke/lost both their cameras before the safari, so Santa got them a new one.

Compulsory Christmas photo.

Eleanor liked having extra readers around.

Again with the hands.  Isn't that for Texas? I mean, what is he doing?

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