Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Funny ones

Last night, as I was drying Lizzie off after her shower, she looked up at me and said, "but Mom, were you an orphan?"

"No, you know Grandma and Grandpa.  They're my mom and dad, and they took care of me when I was growing up.  Why do you think I was an orphan?"

Her eyes shifted to my heart necklace, and it became clear that because Annie had a locket she worried I, too, am an orphan who will always be looking for my parents.


Tommy weighs himself every night and his goal (his statement, not mine) is to crack 60 pounds.  Imagine his delight then, when the night before last, he hopped onto the scale and it said "SIXTY POINT ZERO"!  "Mom, this is a REALLY big deal!  My new goal is sixty-one."

(Last night he didn't quite weigh sixty pounds, so we're back to sixty as the goal.)


Lizzie:  "You know why I don't like to wear jeans?  Because my bum a little bit shows.  When I sit down."


Eli and I went to a fancy and fun party last night and there were three ambassadors there.  Are you impressed?

Finally, I will tell you that we are going to Rome in two days and I am having a hard time packing.  Lizzie can't wait ("Are we going this day? The next day? The next day next day?") because she wants "light up trainers" and I told her we could maybe look for some there.  I was stalling but she hasn't forgotten.  I HATE kids' shoes with lights.

I still owe you so many posts.  I am so sorry.  xox

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