Saturday, May 09, 2015

Daymaniyat Islands (with a ps about my birthday)

Yesterday -- the day after my 39th birthday -- we went on a catamaran to the Daymaniyat Islands.  It took a couple of hours to get there and a couple of hours to get back, and while we were there we snorkeled and jumped off the boat.  It was a relaxing, fun day and I think we would all like to go back again next year.  Tommy spotted a big stingray under our boat and I wish I had a photo to show you but I don't.  As it is, these are all photos taken by my friend April who went on the boat trip with us and sweetly sent her photos along.

On my actual birthday, I went to my favorite yoga class, had coffee with a friend, picked up the kids at noon because it was early dismissal, and then we came home and got Eli! So we had all afternoon to run errands, and go to lunch and go to the pool. Then I had nachos for dinner. It was very nice. AND, Eli got me a KitchenAid mixer (with proper voltage). I LOVE it and Tommy loves it too because it's red. I might post a little more about my birthday but I hope not as it's been a little bit of a hard one for me (and no, this isn't new; I'm sure you all remember that I cry annually on my birthday).

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