Saturday, October 24, 2015

Eli's "Lunch and Learn"

On Thursday, I went to Eli's work at lunchtime to hear him give a talk.  Apparently Eli's employers think that none of them actually work enough, so they ask them to give presentations to their coworkers over lunchtime.  Below are some horrible photos, sorry.

As I arrived, a guy was leaving the building and called over to me that they had run out of food, in case I didn't want to bother.  I thanked him for the valuable information.

Eli's talk started out with a run-down of his career and when he showed the photo of 50 Beale (where he worked in San Francisco) and said "I worked on two things here", I expected one of the things to be wooing me, but instead he talked about proper work things.  (But he spent a fair amount of his time in that office emailing me.)  Anyway, then he talked about BIM which you should google if you want to understand it (or talk to Eli the next time you see him).

He's a good little public speaker and he is amazing at putting together presentations - some of his graphics are really interesting.  I realize I'm pretty sloppy at imparting information when he can communicate as much as he can on one slide that still looks pretty and readable.  It was a nice way to spend an hour.  At the end, one of the guys who works for him came up to me and said very earnestly, "It's good to see you, Mrs. Walter."  So I earnestly told him it was nice to see him again, too...

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